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About Me
- zoe's world
- Blond with an aspiration to be an author or a journalist or a photographer. Starting with something simple, blogger. xx
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides- review
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Royal Wedding- The Kiss
The Royal Wedding- William and Kate- part 1

Today is the Royal wedding. At this very moment the ceremony is going on in Westminister Abbey. Diana's eldest son is marrying his true love.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Brown Thomas- Georgia May Jagger

Today I went to Brown Thomas for fashion ideas. When entering, I heard the intercom saying something about a Georgia May Jagger promotion and I also saw a lot of posters around about it! I went over for a look when I saw Georgia being ambushed by photographers and people queueing to get there photo taken with her.
KFW- Award presentations!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Dingle Film Festival- We will always have Dingle- premiere
It was a Docu-dramedy. As called by Maurice Galway. Instead of being just a plain and boring documentary at regular times pieces of movies reenacted came into play. Which made it funny and perfectly watchable. It featured scenes from 'The Omen', 'Some like it hot' and 'Jaws'.
But although it had these funny twists it was still based on Dingle.
There was pieces of old Dingle film festivals as well which of course featured Cillian Murphy from Batman, who attended a past festival. Maurice's family were also featured such as Katherine Galway, Archie Galway, Ri Galway, Gabriel Galway and of course the cute sweetheart Lila Galway.
The movie was an hour long and after that people got to ask the crew questions. It was a very exciting and interesting experience. I, as well as many others are looking forward to this weekend. The Dingle film festival.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
- What colour is your hair? Brunette, Black, Red or Blonde.
If you went for a Blue or Green dress, go for something that suttles it out maybe with soft curls or a relaxed, loose updo. Remember that you are trying to match the dress in it's texture. So work on that.
If you went for the Cream dress, choose tight or loose. If you go for tight look pick maybe a bun with a curl coming down at the front. Or if you went for loose, straight or curls will match it perfectly.
If you went for darker look straight hair is the way to go it will really emphasize your look and bring all the 'gothy' way!
This isn't just for Confirmation use it whenever you need it! Enjoy!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Trends, do you follow or do you rebell??
Trending, well it means lots of things. It means what clothes are 'in', or for the guys what football player is 'all that'.
Well I am more interested in the fashion part... So now it is lace and leather. The leather shorts with a cute t-shirt, tights and pumps. Or a pretty lace dress funked up with a funky belt and knee highs.
Well what is it for you? Do you go with the trend or do you rebell??? For me, I create my own trend. I don't copy the average person. I look to fashion capitals. Maybe I start trends, so many claim to have started it that I don't keep track.
But you know if you started it and if some else claims it again. Start another one.......
Sunday, January 23, 2011
A secret- by Zoe O Connor
A secret
My name is Tanya Foster and I have a secret . It is a secret because I and my best friend Kayla fear that if we told anyone we would be assigned to the crazy books. But what Kayla and I saw that night was no illusion , no dream it was real. We were in sixth class at the time proud of our new found seniordom. One day we went to the park to gossip and talk we got there early afternoon but we so absorbed in our conversations that we did not notice the hours go by. It was soon dark and we decided to head back to my house where Kayla would be sleeping that night . On the way back we had to walk past a graveyard .I was messing about with Kayla trying to creep her out when I actually heard a noise coming from the graveyard. Kayla accused me of trickery. But I swore to her that it wasn’t. She was too creeped out to try to prove me different so she stayed quiet. I being the adventurous type went towards the graveyard enthralled. I was soon stopped at the gates by a pulling on my arm and a loud whisper. What are you doing said Kayla in a hushed whisper. I replied by tutting her for not being interested in adventure. I opened the gates of the graveyard. They made a loud creak as they opened so Kayla stayed back. I went forward cautiously. Kayla’s behaviour had rubbed off on me and I was scared too. I contemplated my options. Turn back and be a woss or go forward and be known as a hero. The second option had seemed the best at the time so I hurried forward throwing my fears aside. I thought Kayla wouldn’t follow me but I heard footsteps behind me so I could not tease her any longer. Although I was walking quickly it did not mean that I had any idea where I was going. I stopped to let Kayla catch up when I heard the noise again. Except it was louder. I hurried after it with Kayla on my heels. It got louder and louder and it became more frequent. I reached a gravestone and stopped to catch my breath. What I saw behind that gravestone frightens me to this day. There were more than two of us in the graveyard. Just because I say that it does not mean those people were alive. They were as pale as ice and they had dark black circles under there eyes as if they hadn’t slept in days. I went through mythology in my head trying to put fact into what I was seeing. It may seem obvious now but then it took a while to think of the name of these foul creatures. Zombies. The noise we had heard what had felt like so long ago was there chanting.
We stared for what felt like years, concealed from the creatures from behind the gravestone .Kayla whimpered, I went to shush her but then I saw what she was pointing at. They seemed like humans coming toward us with the moonlight on there face. I nearly stood up to greet them. But Kayla stopped me and pointed again. I was then glad I knew my mythology, I was glad that I had spent hors poring over books about these creatures. Pale skinned, strong, cold and they fed on human blood. Yes, Vampires. I was afraid they would see us. But they passed silently and quickly to stand next to the zombies. Next came men tall, muscular men. They walked quickly as well. I had no explanation but werewolves and I was right. Next came woman tall, beautiful women. Some were carrying brooms I first thought it odd but then I put the pieces together. Witches. When the last witch passed I counted the creatures in my head. Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves and Witches. I turned my attention back to the clearing where all of them were gathered. When I heard a ruff voice speak. Silence he had bellowed.
The chanting stopped. He was one of the pale men, a vampire .He looked from side to side and nodded and let out a bit of a chuckle. You think you are ready to start a rebellion? He had asked. There were shouts of yes and of course. He chuckled again. Yet you cannot even detect the vermin that put us to the mythology books. There are too humans behind that gravestone over there. I froze and he chuckled. Then he said quietly, Get them. Before I could blink two vampires had me and Kayla in toe towards the main Werewolf. I struggled with all my might but it was no use. Kayla and I were thrown to the ground in front of the werewolf. I stayed on my knees petrified. The wolf looked at me again. He gave a slight nod. The next thing I saw was black. I had been hit in the head by some creature which had sent me to a blackout. I woke up tied to a tree. I heard talking so I closed my eyes again and listened. So what your saying is if you die we all die. Yes the husky voice from earlier replied but if someone tries to kill any of you, you won’t die. That is the great asset of the bond. I opened my eyes again thinking. Was I strong enough to defeat the head vampire. I was distracted by a deep groan from the other side of the tree. Kayla, I had whispered. I heard her gasp. Tanya, is that you, oh Tanya what happened? I don’t know but it doesn’t matter I found a way to get out of here. But I need a piece of wood.
Well I have a piece here but I can’t reach it . I stopped when I heard two deep voices coming toward s us. It was two werewolves. One grinned at me. Awake I see he had teased. I didn’t reply. Come on the other one had grumbled. What the other had said I’m just messing around. Well cut it out the other one grumbled back. You don’t tell what to do the first one roared. Then a brawl broke out in front of us. A witch came over. She roared at them. This made it worse and they both turned into full blown wolves. The witch pointed her wand at them. They were just in front of me now. The main vampire came over as well. He seemed to enjoy the fight. Then the witch cast her spell but it missed. It hit my bonds directly. I was free. I grabbed the stake of wood from beneath Kayla’s feet and I charged towards the main Vampire. He hadn’t seen me coming and now it was too late. I stuck the stake hard into his chest. He vanished into dust. So did every other creature. For a moment I thought I was crazy that I had dreamed it all up but no it was real. I untied Kayla and we ran to my house. We went straight to the bedroom. There we finally let out our breath. We discussed the situation thoroughly. We decided to keep our adventures a secret. We swore to never speak of it. And seventy five years later I break that promise. I know what I saw and I want you to know they do exist.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
After a long......

After a long relaxing Christmas and New years it is time to embrace just that New year.