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This is my Blogger page! This is where I review books, restaurants and all the other things that pop into my head! Enjoy!

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Blond with an aspiration to be an author or a journalist or a photographer. Starting with something simple, blogger. xx

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dingle Film Festival- We will always have Dingle- premiere

Last night I attended the premiere of 'We will always have Dingle'. It was a struggle to get tickets. Some people were so looking forward to it that even though there were no seats left they stood at the back of the cinema. Yes it was that good.

It was a Docu-dramedy. As called by Maurice Galway. Instead of being just a plain and boring documentary at regular times pieces of movies reenacted came into play. Which made it funny and perfectly watchable. It featured scenes from 'The Omen', 'Some like it hot' and 'Jaws'.
But although it had these funny twists it was still based on Dingle.

There was pieces of old Dingle film festivals as well which of course featured Cillian Murphy from Batman, who attended a past festival. Maurice's family were also featured such as Katherine Galway, Archie Galway, Ri Galway, Gabriel Galway and of course the cute sweetheart Lila Galway.

The movie was an hour long and after that people got to ask the crew questions. It was a very exciting and interesting experience. I, as well as many others are looking forward to this weekend. The Dingle film festival.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


My Confirmation is coming up.Like many other girls my age the dilemma is not in remembering when to stand, when to sit and when to amen. But it is what to wear!

Well here is the way,

Lets start with the dress,

  1. What colour is your hair? Brunette, Black, Red or Blonde.

If you are Brunette, wear something bright away from the brown go for something yellow, blue,green or if you want to stay suttle cream.

If you have Black hair, wear something similar or away from it. You could wear white or cream to give a more pretty look or you could go for black or red for the more 'gothy' look.

If you are a Redhead, go for something bright to match the vibrancy of your hair. Go with a yellow, a green or a very vibrant blue.

If you are a Blond,( like myself ) go for a black, a blue or a red. Never ever, ever go for a yellow! It will match with your hair and look tacky!

Now for the hair its self,

For Brunettes, if you went for a yellow dress straight hair would look okay.. But a way to look better is to have your hair down in soft curls. If you want an updo for your dress choose something with vibrancy that shows your hair.

If you went for a Blue or Green dress, go for something that suttles it out maybe with soft curls or a relaxed, loose updo. Remember that you are trying to match the dress in it's texture. So work on that.

If you went for the Cream dress, choose tight or loose. If you go for tight look pick maybe a bun with a curl coming down at the front. Or if you went for loose, straight or curls will match it perfectly.

If you have Black hair, and you picked 'the pretty look' white or cream. Go for soft hair dos like curls or a soft up-do, like a plate across the head with a bun of loose curls.

If you went for darker look straight hair is the way to go it will really emphasize your look and bring all the 'gothy' way!

If you have Red hair, no matter which colour you picked,go for down show the vibrancy of your hair!!

For the Blondes, go for and up-do with a soft look or a down do witha soft look it is like the red heads show your colour!!

This isn't just for Confirmation use it whenever you need it! Enjoy!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Trends, do you follow or do you rebell??

Well it has been a while since I have 'blogged'! But I go in and out of things. In February, for me, blogger wasn't 'trending' so to speak. Well it is now so lets get started.

Trending, well it means lots of things. It means what clothes are 'in', or for the guys what football player is 'all that'.
Well I am more interested in the fashion part... So now it is lace and leather. The leather shorts with a cute t-shirt, tights and pumps. Or a pretty lace dress funked up with a funky belt and knee highs.

Well what is it for you? Do you go with the trend or do you rebell??? For me, I create my own trend. I don't copy the average person. I look to fashion capitals. Maybe I start trends, so many claim to have started it that I don't keep track.
But you know if you started it and if some else claims it again. Start another one.......